Full Moon Lunacy

13th June 2014 was a Friday and it also happened to be a full moon day. Full moon is a time when the whole moon’s disk is illuminated. Few news articles where boldly claiming that people go crazy (lunatic; mad) on a full moon day. But none of them gave any scientific reasons for why this…

Keeping a Diary

Human beings are the ultimate product of evolution. It has produced great minds like Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison. Gravity was discovered by Newton. This discovery explained why earth revolves around the sun and moon revolves around the earth. It was the same Newton who lost his money in south sea bubble. He wrote – I can…

Stories triumph Statistics

My sun sign is Scorpio. One of the astrology website gave me the following prediction. I wanted to find out if this prediction has any truth in it. I did a simple thought experiment. The world has 7.2 billion people and there are 12 sun signs. Let us assume that the sun signs are evenly distributed…

Two Selves

Two patients A and B underwent a painful colonoscopy procedure. Every 60 seconds the patients indicated the level of pain they experienced at that moment. The scale of pain is from 0 (no pain) to 10 (intolerable pain). The pain intensity is plotted in the y axis and the duration of the procedure is plotted in…


Daniel Kahneman defines availability heuristic as the process of judging frequencies by the ease with which it comes to our mind. We focus on existing evidence and ignore the ones that are absent. He defines this by the term WYSIATI – What You See Is All There Is. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson – WYSIATI In…