Make Every Day Count

It was a 2012 evening, and I was driving home from the office. I was worried about finishing a big project at work on time. I’d made the journey from the office to my home so many times, my car almost seemed to know the way by itself. My hands were on the wheel, but…

Few thoughts on life, psychology, and mindset

I’ve been writing my thoughts on life, psychology, and mindset for some time. I’ve considered transferring some of these writings from Notion into this post. In physics, three laws can explain 99% of observations. However, in life, psychology, and mindset, 99 laws can barely explain 1% of observations. What I’ve written here stems from my…

Buffett’s Bathtub Memory

I love reading physical books. But there’s one problem with physical books. My shelf space is limited. To overcome the shelf space limitation, I developed a simple fitness function for my books. Books that I won’t reread will be donated to the library. Don’t get me wrong. They are good books that will be useful…

Note to self

Life is made up of ups and downs. We all wish to have a life full of ups and low-to-no downs, but what we get is not in our hands. However, how we react to them is entirely under our control. Click here to read the rest.

2 – 3 Billion Heartbeats

While randomly browsing the internet, I came across the chart below [source]. A curious mind should ask, why do smaller animals like mouse and rat live for lesser time than bigger animals like whale and elephant? Before reading further spend some time to form your hypothesis. Click here to read the rest.