Saurabh Madaan joins Markel Corp

The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more. This was told by Charlie Munger. My close friend Saurabh Madaan made me and countless other human beings wiser by organizing world famous Google Value Investors Talk. Saurabh has been doing this for many years, without expecting anything in…

Munger’s Psychology Mindmapped

If you want to know about the properties of elements then you should read the periodic table. If you want to know about the solvency of a company then you should look at its balance sheet. What if we want to learn about our own irrationality? Without any doubt I would read Munger’s psychology of human misjudgment. I came…

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2014

Being a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, I had an opportunity to attend the shareholder’s meeting for the second time. I boarded the flight from San Francisco on Friday May 2nd. It was not a direct flight and I had to stop over in Dallas/Fort Worth. During the flight journey I started reading the book How Children Succeed.…

Be A Learning Machine

In the 1980’s my parents used Inland Letter to communicate with families and friends in India. It took few days for the letter to reach the destination. For sending urgent messages, telegrams were used which reached the destination in few hours. In early 1990’s we got a telephone connection (landline) in our house. With in seconds…

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2013

In 2006, I got interested in investing. I read a lot about Warren Buffett and his investment style. I wanted to become a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway and attend the shareholders meeting. Finally in Jan 2012, I purchased the class B shares. In 2013, got an invitation to attend the shareholders meeting and I was…